AK Hair Transplant Clinics India

AK Hair Transplant Clinics were founded by hair transplant surgeons Dr. Kapil Dua and Dr. Aman Dua. For almost a decade, AK clinics have established itself to be one of the most prominent players in the field of hair restoration in India. With clinic facilities in Delhi, Ludhiana, Bangalore, AK Clinics have served countless men and women with hair loss and thinning hair not only in India but also patients from around the world.

Great Results At Affordable Cost

AK Clinics’ philosophy is “Great results at affordable cost”. Price is always a determining factor for most people when it comes to hair restoration treatment. It is AK Clinics’ belief that a good quality hair transplant shall not be  out of reach for most people. With the advance of new technologies and a dedicated team of highly trained medical professionals and hair transplant surgeons, AK Clinics’ ultimate objective is to help every patient restore his or her confidence and self esteem by providing treatments that are affordable to the general public.

Always At The Forefront
Multi Modal Approach

AK Clinics pride itself to be always at the forefront in hair restoration technologies. Unlike most other clinics that adopt a one-treatment-fits-all approach to hair restoration, AK understands that hair loss is a very unique experience and there is no one treatment that will work for all types of hair loss.

While hair transplant procedure may be the answer for some, it may not be the ideal solution for others who prefer not to have to go through surgery in order to restore his or her hair.

In order to accommodate the widest spectrum of hair disorders and conditions, AK is in a constant quest to acquire the latest in hair restoration technologies so that their patients can benefit from the widest range of treatment possible. Very often, it takes a combination of 2 or more therapies to yield the best results for some patients.

At the time when this is published, AK Clinics offer more variety of hair loss treatments than any other clinics in India. Among some of the advanced treatments available at AK Clinics are:

⇒ FUE hair transplant
⇒ FUT follicular unit transplant
⇒ Facial hair transplant
⇒ Strip scars repair
⇒ Bio-FUE trademarked treatment involving growth serum
⇒ Bio-DHT involving PRP Platelet Rich Plasma
⇒ BHT body hair transplant
⇒ Non surgical artificial hair replacement
⇒ Hair Gain therapy
⇒ Low Level Laser therapy
⇒ Mesotherapy


Please note that info presented herein are provided by courtesy of AK Hair Clinics. We do not guarantee and completeness of information published here. Please contact AK Clinics directly for the most current and accurate details. Also, there is no guarantee when it comes to hair restoration. HairSite does not guarantee results. As with all treatments, it is best to do thorough research and consult your own physician before proceeding.


Interested in hair transplant or have a question about hair loss, hair restoration in general? Fill out the inquiry form on this page or contact us directly for a prompt response from a doctor or clinic, no fee, no cost consultation.

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