Hair Transplant Doctor Training India

Hair transplant doctor training is a specialty that many doctors and physicians are pursing nowadays as a career. It is a discipline in medical surgery that has generated a lot of interest lately because of the ever increasing demand from the general public for an effective hair restoration treatment. As the world economy steadily rises to middle class, more emphasis is placed on one’s self esteem and aesthetics appeal to our social circles.

Demand for hair transplants or similar treatments continue to have an essential role to play at a time when there is no real cure for baldness in sight. Both men and women are affected by hair loss whether it be genetically related or caused by other factors such as accidents or using of certain medications etc.

Becoming A Hair Transplant Practitioner

That someone is a good hair transplant surgeon does not necessarily mean that he can be a good teacher as well. In addition, educating the next generation of hair transplant surgeons is a totally different field that requires completely different skills set as well as training tools and equipment.

Training at AK Hair Clinics

AK Hair Clinics embraces every qualified doctor or physician who is pursuing hair transplantation as a career choice. To that end, AK Hair Clinics have meticulously compiled a series of training programs that are customized to those wishing to seek AK Clinics’ expertise, wisdom, experience and knowledge. Training at AK Clinics are thorough, well thought out with the ultimate intention of helping new graduates set up their own hair transplant clinics.

Curriculum Details

Different courses and curriculum are available to ensure that each enrollee will find program that is best suited for his or her needs and objectives.

Basic program (course duration – 1 day)

One-day live and practical observation of FUE surgery
Thorough and detailed discussion with surgeons about FUE surgery
Preoperative preparation & post-operative care and handling of the patient
Training Fee – Enquire

Intermediate program (course duration – 1 month)

Basics of trichology: anatomy of hair & hair cycle
Diagnosis and symptoms of hair loss and related diseases
Setting up of the trichology clinic with essential amenities
All aspects of hair restoration surgery:
1. Selecting a patient for hair restoration surgery with best potion of available treatment
2. Setting up of operation theatre and what equipment to use
3. Follicular Unit Extraction as well as transplantation
4. Post operative care
5. Body hair transplants
6. Women hair transplant
7. Revision hair transplant
Hands on training and experience of extraction of grafts on models and patients with all biological and technical assistance (depending on surgical skills of Doctor: 10-15 grafts per patient in last five cases).
Hands on training of implantation of grafts on models and patients (depending on surgical skill of physician: 10-15 grafts per patient in last five cases).
Complete operation theatre observation – 15 cases of live surgery
Training Fee – Enquire

Advanced (course duration – 3 months)

Basics of trichology: anatomy of hair and hair cycle
Details of causes of hair loss; diagnosis of hair loss and in-depth study of pattern of baldness
Vital and essential details about setting up of an ultra-modern trichology clinic.
All aspects of hair restoration surgery:
1. Selecting a patient for hair restoration
2. peration theatre & setting up of instrumentation
3. Follicular Unit Extraction
4. Implantation
5. Postoperative care
6. Body hair transplants
7. Women hair transplant
8. Revision hair transplant
Hands on complete training of extraction of grafts on models and patients
Hands on thorough training of implantation of grafts on models and patients
Training on Mesotherapy and LLLT
Training on sales and marketing of the trichology clinic
Complete observation with detailed analysis in operation theatre – 50 cases
Doubts removing session
Training fee – USD 8000 + ST (15%)
While our primary aim is to offer every trainee intricate knowledge and clarify all doubts, we also strive to create hair transplant surgeons, who are capable of running their own clinic. This is why, we also offer important and essential tips on how to run the business aspect of the newly set up clinic. Hair restoration might seem glamourous on the outside, but there is a lot of hard work involved and the long hours can become tedious. This is why; we ensure that we talk in detail with the trainees, ensuring that they really want to do this. In addition, our training program is designed to allow the doctors a fledging career of their own, in minimal time.
We welcome doubts and queries and are always willing to cover any other aspects that trainees might feel a little less confident about.




Please note that info presented herein are provided by courtesy of AK Hair Clinics. We do not guarantee and completeness of information published here. Please contact AK Clinics directly for the most current and accurate details. Also, there is no guarantee when it comes to hair restoration. HairSite does not guarantee results. As with all treatments, it is best to do thorough research and consult your own physician before proceeding.