In the structure termed as follicular unit, 1-5 (usually 2-3, on the average 2) hairs and their roots are contained. In FUE, 600-800 grafts are removed and implanted per session. One day waiting period between the sessions will suffice. All 6-8 sessions are performed one day apart and 4-5 thousand grafts (8-10 thousand hairs) can be transplanted. Preservation of anatomic unity and immediate transplantation are the basics.
follicular unit groups. On the right, units containing single hair towards left units containing 2-3 hairs are seen.
Close caption. Follicular units have been removed along with the surrounding small tissue, without any damage.
• The anatomical unity and thus survivability of follicular units
have been histologically shown (by Prof. Dr. Cengiz Guven,
Ankara university, Histology Department)