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Artificial Hair Fibers Implant

Artificial Hair Fibers Implant
Artificial Hair Fibers Implant

Photo of artificial hair fibers implant patient before seeking repair work at Hasson & Wong

Artificial Hair Fibers Implant & Its Many Names

Artificial hair fibers implant is also called artificial hair implant, synthetic hair implant, Biofibre, Medicap treatment as well as Nido but they all mean the same thing. Do not be confused that you are getting a different treatment because they are all essentially the same technique for hair restoration. Sometimes artificial hair fibers implant is also referred to as prosthetic hair fibers. Generally speaking, most people tend to refer to these treatments as artificial hair implants or synthetic hair implants.

What is Artificial Hair Fibers Implant or Synthetic Hair Implant?

What is artificial hair fibers implant or synthetic hair implant? As the name denotes, these are artificially created substances that look like human hair for the purpose of treating men and women with hair loss. Artificial hair fibers implant is done one strand at a time. It is implanted into the patient's scalp through the galea layer. The insertion is secured by a knot with the help of a synthetic hair implant device. Galea is a layer of connective tissue that forms the middle (third) layer of the scalp. It is a surgical procedure but some companies market this misleadingly as non surgical arguing that the artificial hair fibers do not penetrate the scalp that deep to be labled as surgical.

Because artificial hair fibers implant or synthetic hair implant use fake hair to restore baldness, the hair you get from artificial hair fibers implant or syntehtic hair implant will not grow long. 

Artificial Hair Fibers Implant or Synthetic Hair Implant Banned in the U.S

Artificial hair implant or synthetic hair implant was banned by the US FDA in 1983. Besides the United States, there are other countries in the world that also banned artificial hair fibers implant.  The main reasons are risks of infection as our body reject the foreign substance, uncertainty about carcinogenicity of the artificial hair fibers, risk of contact dermatitis, severe allergic reactions, cyst formation and even scarring alopecia caused by the insertion process. 

Despite the ban in the United States, artificial hair fibers or synthetic hair implant is still available in Italy, Japan and certain parts of the world. The most famous being Biofibre, a brand name for the artificial hair fibers implant process. 

At the time when this article is published, it has been reported that a company has filed an appeal for US FDA to lift its ban on artificial hair fibers implant citing that improvements have been made to the process to make it less risky to the public. 

Artificial Hair Fibers Implant Infection

Over the years, we have seen a fair number of artificial hair fibers implant victims who suffererd from severe scarring and even infection because of the procedure. You can also get in contact with patients who have had artificial hair implant or synthetic hair implant done through our forum community. Click synthetic hair implant victim to read about cases of unsuccessful artificial hair fibers procedures. 

Artificial Hair Fibers Implant Repair Work at Hasson & Wong Clinic

Below is an excellent video of a patient who had undergone synthetic hair implant procedure in Italy. The result was unsuccessful and left the patient with massive amount of scarring. This patient eventually decided to seek repair work from Dr. Jerry Wong at Hasson & Wong hair clinic. Presently Hasson & Wong is a top ranked hair clinic on HairSite according to their patient result statistics. 

If you would like to learn more about artificial hair fibers implant or if you are a victim of this procedure and seeking repair work, contact or visit to find out what are your options. Hasson & Wong offers free, no fee, no cost consultation via email, telelphone, skype and even in person evaluation in major cities around the world. 

There is also an in-depth discussion on the topic of artificial hair fibers implant at National Institute of Health website. Click artificial hair fibers for details.