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Dr. Mwamba Hair Transplant Ranking
Dr. Patrick Mwamba, Belgium has the most improved percentage gain in published results for year 2014 according to HairSite's patient statistics compiled based on successful results published in our open forum. **
Top Ranked #1
Most Improved Percentage Gain in Belgium 2014
based on HairSite Ranking statistics
55 published patient results
8 years of uninterrupted records
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Specialties *
FUE Hair Transplant
Beard Hair Transplant
Dense Packing
Women Hair Transplant
Body Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant Repair
Strip Scars Repair
Eyebrow Transplant
Platelet Rich Plasma PRP
HairSite Score ∗∗
based on patient results published
♥ Dr. Mwamba Patient Results - Current = 39
♥ Dr. Mwamba Patient Results - 2009 & Prior = 16
Total - Published Results = 55
Best in CLASS
Most Improved Percentage Gain
in Belgium 2014
What does this mean?
Dr. Patrick Mwamba's clinic has the highest percentage gain in patient statistics in 2014 for the territory of Belgium based on results published in our open forum. No other clinic in Belgium has accomplished as high a percentage gain as Dr. Mwamba's clinic in 2014. The are by far the most improved clinic for the territory in 2014.
For almost a decade, Dr. Mwamba and his team of dedicated medical professionals has been a prolific and valuable contributor in the hair loss community. His clinic is widely regarded as one of the most highly respected with a long track record of consistent patient results. This award is our community's recognition of Dr. Mwamba's lifelong commitment, hard work and passion in the hair transplant industry.
Congratulations to Dr. Mwamba and his team for
another accolade to their impressive accomplishments!!