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Dr. Prabdeep Sohi Hair Transplant Reviews India

dr prabdeep sohi hair transplant reviews india


= offered           × = not offered

  • FUE

    Follicular Unit Extraction

  • BHT

    Body hair to scalp


    Moustache, beard, goatee restoration


    Hair transplant repair


    Women hair transplant


    Eyebrow restoration


    No shave FUE

  • SMP

    Scalp Micropigmentation


    FUHT Strip hair transplant


    Eyelash restoration

  • PRP

    Platelet Rich Plasma cell therapy


    Stem cell building blocks therapy


    Hair follicle stem cells banking 

About Dr. Prabdeep Sohi

dr prabdeep sohi hair transplant reviews india

Dr. Prabdeep Sohi is the first Indian doctor ever featured on HairSite who has his own patented FUE instruments. The logistics required to file a patent is a very lengthy and technical process. Any doctor who is willing to go through that trouble to patent his own proprietary FUE instrument is proof of his dedication and commitment to hair transplantation.

After completing his MBBS and MS in general surgery from Rajasthan University, Dr. Prabdeep Sohi completed his M.Ch. in Cosmetic and Plastic surgery from Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, one of the most prestigious institute for plastic surgery training in India. Dr. Sohi started his practice immediately after his post graduate education. After serving in one of the most prestigious institute for plastic surgery for four years, he decided to open his private clinic in the year 2009. Over the years, Dr. Sohi has authored many international and national publications on various topics pertaining to his work.

As one of the early adopters of the now famous FUE hair transplant technique in India, Dr. Sohi has been on the very leading edge of this procedure and has invented proprietary instruments used for FUE procedures. One of Dr. Sohi's inventions is the US patent pending, “Sohi FUE punch”, this titanium tipped punch comes with a variable guard allows the surgeon to extract the follicles more safely, with this new instrument, Dr. Sohi can transplant more than 4000 grafts in a day.

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FUE with Dr. Prabdeep Sohi at Reviva Clinic

fue dr prabdeep sohi reviva hair transplant india

Pre Surgical preparation - the following is provided by courtesy of Reviva Clinic and are specific to Reviva clinic only, it does not apply to instructions that you may receive from other clinics.

Safety and the necessary precautions are always a top priority. These pre surgical requirements are required for your best interest in mind.

We request routine blood tests prior to your hair restoration including a CBC, an HIV and a screen for Hepatitis. You are not required to take this test at Reviva Clinic. You are welcome to take this blood test at your primary care physician or at a clinic or lab of your choice, but you must submit the results to Reviva Clinic before you can be considered for the procedure.

Avoid taking Aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory medications for two weeks prior to your hair transplant. The reason is that these medications may enhance blood circulation and cause unnecessary bleeding during the hair transplant procedure. In addition, do not take Vitamin B or E (including multi-vitamins) for one week before your procedure as these may also cause unnecesssary bleeding.

Smoking can also affect the procedure so you must avoid smoking at least one week prior to surgery. Furthermore, it is also important not to smoke at least 2 weeks or longer post surgical because smoking can constricts blood vessels and blood circulation which in turn will affect the growth of the transplanted grafts.  Carbon monoxide in smoke decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and may contribute to poor healing after a hair transplantation procedure.

FUE Transplant Procedure

Transplant operations are performed on an outpatient basis, with mild sedation (optional) and injected local anesthesia, which typically last about six hours.

A typical treatment at Reviva Clinic normally consists of two phases, and both phases are usually completed in 1 day without requiring the patient to return a second day.  However, in the event that the patient requires a mega session which involves a large number of grafts, then the patient may sometimes be required to come back to the clinic on a 2nd day in order to finish the treatment;

Phase I:

The scalp is shampooed and then treated with an antibacterial agent prior to the donor scalp being harvested. The team uses follicular unit procedure to harvests the grafts from the areas of good hair growth called the “Donor Area”. The team then making use of binocular Stereo-microscopes, carefully remove excess fibrous and fatty tissue so that follicular cells are ready to be used for grafting.

Phase II:

The surgeon then uses very small micro blades or fine needles to puncture the sites for receiving the grafts, placing them in a predetermined density and pattern, and angling the wounds in a consistent fashion to promote a realistic hair pattern of the “Recipient Area”. And the final part of the procedure is completed by inserting the individual grafts in place.

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