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Hair Transplant Guide Florida
Clinic location on record: Sunset Professional Building, 6280 Sunset Drive, Suite 504 Miami, FL 33143 as well as 60 East 56th Street, 3rd Floor | New York, NY, 10022.
Florida is a peninsula state located in the southeastern region of the United States, bordered by the Gulf of Mexico to the west, Atlantic Ocean to the east and Alabama/Georgia to the north. Florida is the 3rd most populated state in the US. Contrary to popular belief, Miami is not the most populated city in Florida. In order of population size, the largest cities in Florida are Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa and Orlanda. With over 800K residents, the city of Jacksonville has almost twice the population of Miami. The entire state of Florida has a population of about 20 million.
Florida is well known for its beautiful beaches and coastlines and of course a hot spot for retirees and snowbirds from northeastern United States because of the nice weather.
As for hair restoration options, two of the better known names in Florida are:
⇒ Dr. Alan Bauman hair transplant in Boca Raton, as of now, we have seen very few patient results from Dr. Bauman in our open forum, our community is not really that familiar with Dr. Bauman's work. However, Dr. Bauman has built himself a very recognizable brand with mainstream media exposure and coverage as well as social media in recent years.
⇒ Dr. Jeffrey Epstein hair transplant in Miami, well respected hair transplant specialist and founder of Foundation of Hair Restoration in with locations in Miami and New York. Dr. Epstein is presently the Top Ranked hair transplant surgeon for the territory of Florida and Miami based on number of successful patient results posted in our community forum.
A lot of new advances have been made in hair restoration in recent years. Some of the more advanced treatments include laser therapy, non-surgical hair replacement as well as minimally invasive FUE hair transplant surgery. There are also new cell based hair treatment such as Platelet Rich Plasma therapy that uses one's own blood as growth factors to stimulate hair regrowth.
As for hair transplant surgery, it is important to know the difference between FUE technique and STRIP technique. Go to our site's Hair Transplant section and look for FUE Hair Transplant for an explanation and video demonstration why this new technique is gaining mainstream acceptance in the hair transplant industry. With FUE, you can also use your body hair as donor and transplant them to thinning or balding areas in your scalp. This technique was invented by Dr. Ray Woods and is now commonly referred to as BHT or Body Hair Transplant.
However, please note that while FUE offers many advantages, there are indeed very few truly qualified FUE hair transplant doctors in the world. The reason is that FUE is very difficult to perform when compared to the traditional STRIP surgery. FUE is a very labor intensive procedure and it takes many years of practice before a doctor is truly skillful.
If you do not mind traveling a little bit further for a FUE doctor that has a long history of FUE records, try Dr. Cole hair transplant in Atlanta, he is probably the most experienced FUE doctor in the region right now.
Of course, hair surgery is not the only option. If you want a fast and affordable solution to your hair loss problem, also look into non-surgical hair replacement system. If done correctly, the result can be very natural and totally affordable. Depending on your goals and expectations, non-surgical hair replacement can be the next best thing to your own natural growing hair. No drugs, no surgery, no regular salon visit. However, given the hot and humid climate in Florida, non surgical hair systems such as hairpiece and toupees may not be a good idea as excessive perspiration from the hair wearer can weaken the bond of the adhesives or liquid glue that attaches the hairpiece to the scalp.
As for surgical hair transplant, please do thorough research and do not rely our information you can find on this site only. Consult with as many doctors as possible and also be aware that it is not the mandate of this site to track failed or unsuccessful results, so one must do extensive research before settling on any doctor.
If you have any questions or if you wish to have a free no obligation consultation with different doctors and clinics, fill out the inquiry form on this page for a prompt response.