
DHI Hair Transplant UK

global hair restoration hair transplant clinics for male and female pattern baldness, thinning hair, hair loss, eyebrow transplant and various hair disorders. Locations in London, Liverpool, Isle of Man and Glasgow.

information and photos on this page is provided by DHI and reprinted with the permission of DHI

United Kingdom


43 New Cavendish St.,W1G 9TH
+44 (0) 2074862774
+44 (0) 2074869789
+44 (0) 2075840557


15 Royal Crescent, G3 7SL
+44 (0) 8452770926
+44 (0) 1413321745


Blackfriars House, St Mary’s Parsonage
3rd Floor Suite 3B, M3 2JA
+44 (0) 1618393769


Tracey Bell Clinic, 32-36 Hanover St.
Merseyside – LI4LN
+44 (0) 1517070340

Isle of Man

Tracey Bell – The Superclinic
Kensigton Road, Douglas, IM1 3PE
+44 (0) 1624613323

Channel Islands

Aesthetic Skin Clinic – Suite 3.03
Lido Medical Centre, Hotel de France,
St Saviour’s Road, St Helier, Jersey – JE2 7LA
+44 (0) 1481736699

If you are unsure about what to do about your hair loss situation or looking for a qualified hair transplant hair restoration doctor near you, please email hairsite@gmail.com or fill out the online input form below for a prompt response. I answer all questions within 48 hours.