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Medispa Hair Transplant Centre Delhi & Jaipur
Medispa Hair Transplant Centre Delhi & Jaipur

Dr. Suneet Soni Hair Transplant

Dr. Suneet Sohi Hair Transplant
Dr. Suneet Sohi Hair Transplant

Dr. Suneet Soni hair transplant surgeon has clinics in Delhi & Jaipur, India. In 2005, Dr. Soni founded Medispa hair transplant centre. Dr. Soni's vision is to establish Medispa as a destination for quality hair transplant procedures for both men and women with hair loss or thinning hair.

Dr. Soni holds a MBBS, M.S. General Surgery as well as a M.Ch in Plastic Surgery. Presently Dr. Soni serves as the Director and Chief Consultant for Medispa hair clinic.

Hair Transplant Credentials & Experience

Dr. Soni hair transplant surgical experience is broad. According to Dr. Soni, he has performed well over 2,000 hair restoration procedures involving both FUE and FUT strip techniques. In addition, Dr. Soni is a proud member of professional organizations such as International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS),  Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons and India Association of Plastic Surgeons of India to name a few.

Media, Events & Accolades

Dr. Soni's involvement in the field of hair restoration is undisputed. He is a frequent guest, speaker and participant in countless public events. Among some of the events Dr. Soni has participated include:

  • International Society of hair restoration surgery (ISHRS) Annual Scientific Congress Meet-2016 at Los Vegas (USA);
  • India’s 1st Live International Hair Transplant Hands on workshop in Jaipur 2014 at Medispa;
  • Presentation on combination technique (FUE + FUT) in Hair Transplant at HAIRCON 2013 Bangalore;
  • American Hair Restoration Society (AHRS) annual meeting SA USA, topics include over-shooting safe donor zone in FUE mega Session and graft distribution optimization in mega-session strip procedures;
  • 2nd National Symposium of AOMSI on Maxillo facial Trauma at Jaipur Rajasthan;
  • Live Hair Transplant Demonstration, DERMACON, 2012 at “The Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur”;
  • National Hair Transplant Conference HAIRCON-2012, Kolkata,
    Dr. Suneet Soni Presented his experience of last 200 hundred cases of successful hair transplant in National Hair Transplant conference, 2012


The Next Generation

Besides performing hair transplant surgeries for patients, Dr. Soni also dedicate his time and resources to training the next generation of hair transplant surgeons. Dr. Soni personally develops curriculum and program syllabus to help educate physicians from other disciplines who are interested in hair transplantation as a career choice. Many have already enrolled in Dr. Soni's training program and obtained their certificates for successful completion.