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Hair Transplant Doctors Review 2015
2015 Commentary for clinics and doctors worldwide based on number of patient results compiled in our forum. Complaint cases are not tracked here. Statistics are concluded through December 31, 2014.
Every clinic or doctor is welcome to post their results in our forum. There is no fee required. The rankings reported on HairSite are strictly based on the total number of successful patient results posted in HairSite's forum. While it is an objective and quantifiable measure of patient results based on cases posted, it is by no means is a definitive guide as to how good or how bad a doctor is. We only track successful hair restoration results published in our open community. It is not the mandate of this site to track failed procedures or complaints from unhappy patients. The rankings below is a measurement of quantity of successful procedures. Readers must review each case on his own to determine the quality and artistic skills. Do not make a decision on any doctor or clinic based on our rankings along as it is not a comprehensive measure of the quality of the work.
Annual Commentary & Review
2014 was an explosive year on HairSite by any standards, a recording breaking year with an unprecedented level of participation from doctors and clinics everywhere.
We have witnessed an intensification of rivalries among doctors and clinics on many fronts, ranging from new contenders attempting to make their marks on our awards board to existing award recipients fighting hard to hold onto their thrones.
Lifetime Achievement Award
First thing first, let's usher in the new year by doing the right thing, giving credit where credit is due. This is long overdue and once again HairSite is taking a leadership role in the community by honoring our first ever Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient - Dr. Ray Woods, world renowned surgeon, pioneer and inventor of FUE & BHT whose contribution forever and totally changed hair transplantation worldwide and paved the way for a new era in hair restoration; an once in a lifetime breakthrough for a field that is notoriously resistant to change, click Dr. Ray Woods to read more.
Explosive 50% Increase - in keeping with our tradition, we are using numbers and statistics to add insights to a field that relies mostly on subjective evaluation or assessment. So here we are again drilling into all the numbers and statistics based on every clinic's contribution in order to come up with an objective and verifiable measure of accomplishment for doctors and clinics worldwide.
We started off saying that 2014 was an explosive year and that was no exaggeration. We witnessed an astounding 50% year to year increase in patient statistics*, jumping from 1041 patient results in Dec 2013 to 1559 in Dec 2014, a remarkable year over year increase that we have never experienced before in the history of HairSite, another testament to the ever growing popularity of our forum and the demand for an open platform that encourages doctors and clinics from around the world to come forward with their results. We offer transparency, visibility and accountability as far as hair restoration results are concerned, top doctors are not afraid to showcase their work to the scrutiny of our audience. If you can make it on HairSite, you can make it anywhere.
*archives excluded
Emerging Markets
The exponential growth in our patient statistics is made possible largely due to the rise of the emerging markets, India and Turkey in particular. Both India and Turkey, much to our surprise, emerge as the international hot spots for FUE transplants in recent years, thanks to clinics or doctors such as AHD, ASMED, Dr. Bhatti and others who have been working very diligently establishing their presence in our community.
Particularly note worthy is ASMED in Istanbul, Turkey, founded by Dr. Erdogan. In 2014, Dr. Erdogan and his dedicated team have published a recording breaking 81 patient results, no other doctor or clinic in the world was able to surpass this accomplishment during the year. This is quite an accomplishment considering that it was ASMED's first year as a featured clinic on HairSite. While the name ASMED may sound relatively new and unfamiliar to most people, the quality and aesthetics appeal of their work have already won high marks from our community in such a short time.
Equally impressive is the recipient of Breakthrough Procedure of the Year Award - Dr. Hakan Doganay, also from Turkey. Dr. Doganay performed the first person-to-person hair transplantation ever featured on HairSite involving two identical twin brothers.
Veteran Clinics Holding Firm to their Throne
While emerging clinics are threatening to potentially shake up the rankings on our score board, the truth is that veteran clinics have barely budged, still holding firm to their best in class rankings with a long history of proven results and consistency. It will take a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment before anyone can dethrone the following best in class award recipients:
- Dr. Cole - #1 top ranked in the US overall;
- Hasson & Wong - #1 top ranked Strip exclusive clinic in the world;
- Alvi Armani - #1 top ranked in the US 2014;
- HDC - #1 top ranked in Mediterranean/Middle East;
- Dr. Bisanga - #1 top ranked in Europe;
- Dr. Umar - #1 top ranked mega-session BHT doctor in the world;
- Dr. Erdogan - #1 top ranked in Turkey;
- Dr. Jones - #1 top ranked FUE/BHT clinic in Canada;
- Dr. Reddy - #1 top ranked in UK;
- Dr. Rahal - #1 top ranked clinic in Ottawa/Montreal;
- Dr. Mwamba - Most Improved Clinic, Europe 2014;
- Dr. Epstein - #1 top ranked in Miami;
- Dr. Doganay - Breakthrough Procedure 2014;
Crowning the KING - of course, our commentary would not be complete without crowning the overall Top Ranked clinic in the world. For the 5th consecutive year, YES, 5 years in a row, the award goes to Dr. Arvind Poswal in India. Dr. A's Clinic has once again seized the most coveted award from all competitors around the world, proudly solidifying his status once again as the overall top ranked clinic worldwide. With an astounding 508 points and 11 years of uninterrupted patient results to his record, Dr. A's Clinic is undisputably the clinic to beat when it comes to consistency and quality. A very well deserved congratulations to Dr. Arvind and his team of medical professionals for the outstanding accomplishment !!!
Dr. Arvind Poswal & his team
Overall #1 Top Ranked in the World
5 Years in a Row
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014