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Eyebrow & Eyelash Transplant

Nowadays women and men with complete or partial eyelash or eyebrow loss can regain their eyebrow and eyelash through a micro surgical hair transplant procedure. It is generally safe, effective, minimally invasive, and in most cases, takes only 1 session in most cases.
As a matter of fact, eyebrow and eyelash transplants are among the fastest growing hair restoration procedures for both men and women. The demand has been growing rapidly in recent years largely due to the availability of FUE Follicular Unit Extraction technique which makes the procedure more patient friendly than it has ever been.
As reported on Huffington post, "Dr. Antonio Armani, whose Alvi Armani clinics are located worldwide, says crafting becoming brows is increasingly common cosmetic procedure. When he began doing hair transplants in 1999, the doctor said he performed 10 to 15 brow transplants per year; lately, though, brow transplants have increased to 4 to 5 per month. "
The medical term for eyelash loss is madarosis. Eyelash loss can be permanent or temporary. This condition is often due to blepharitis, or inflammation of the eyelids.

- What causes eyebrow and/or eyelash loss in men and women?⇒ Physical trauma, e.g., accident, thermal, chemical or electrical burns.
⇒ Systemic or local disease that causes loss of eyebrow and/or eyelashes
⇒ Congenital inability to grow eyebrows and/or eyelashes
⇒ Plucking (to reshape the eyebrow) that results in permanent loss of eyebrows.
⇒ Self-inflicted obsessive plucking or eyebrows and/or eyelashes (trichotillomania).
⇒ Medical or surgical treatments that result in eyebrow or eyelash loss—e.g., radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgical removal of tumor.
⇒ Possible signs of alopecia areata for some individuals.
- Is eyebrow and/or eyelash restoration procedure safe?⇒ Yes, it is a minimally invasive micro surgical procedure. Usually 1 session is all that is required.
- Where does the donor hair come from? How is the procedure done?⇒ The donor hair is extracted one follicle at a time from either your scalp or your leg. The donor is usually taken from a site that furnishes finer rather than coarser hair; finer hair is a better "match" for eyebrow hair. Donor hair is transplanted micro surgically 1 or 2 hairs at a time. Each graft is placed into an incision prepared for it. The use of single hairs or micrografts permits meticulous adherence to the eyebrow contour for a natural appearance.
- Is the result natural?⇒ Yes, they are your own naturally growing hair. In many cases, they are more beautifully shaped and contoured than what you were born with. See photos below.
- How long will it take before I see results?⇒ Hair grows in cycles so the effect is not immediate. It will take 4-6 months before the new hairs start to grow in your eyebrow or eyelash.
- Are the new hairs permanent? Post operative maintenance ?⇒ Yes in most cases. Sometimes a small maintenance session may be required after a few years but that is rare. For some individuals, occasional trimming as well as "contouring" of the transplanted eyebrows or eyelashes may be required until the grafts start to form their own curves.
- Any complications?⇒ Post operative complications are often limited to minor itching, pain and possibly swelling in some patients. Patients should avoid scratching the recipient site as this may dislocate or dislodge the grafts.
- Is everyone a candidate for this procedure?⇒ According to the International Society of Hair Restoration Society, "the cause of eyebrow/eyelash loss is evaluated in medical history and examination prior to consideration of hair restoration:
Systemic or local disease that causes hair loss must be under control to assure that hair restoration can succeed
Obsessive-compulsive plucking (trichotillomania) must be treated to assure that restored hair will not be plucked out.Trauma, burns or surgery may have resulted in formation of scar tissue; reconstructive surgery may be necessary before eyebrow/eyelash restoration. The degree of eyebrow loss may vary from complete to partial; the degree of loss may be a consideration in selection of the restoration procedure."
- What is the cost?⇒ It varies from doctor to doctor. Email hairsite@aol.com and we will arrange a free consultation for you with a doctor near you.
According to Dr. Bauman in Boca Raton, FL:
"Eyelash transplantation is a delicate and intricate procedure, but a very safe and effective way to enhance your eyelashes. We harvest follicles from the scalp then transplant the follicles into the eyelash area (the lid). Typically, we transplant 24 lashes per lid during a single session, which lasts about two hours. We use a combination of topical anesthetic gel and The Wand (a computerized injection) for a virtually painless procedure. Recovery time is quick--typically a few days for the swelling to go down. The lashes begin to grow either immediately or after 6-12 weeks. Since the follicles are from the scalp, the hairs they produce will need to be trimmed. In the vast majority of cases, a single session is enough, but sometimes an additional session of eyelash transplantation is needed if the lashes are extremely sparse or short to begin with."