
Scalp Pigmentation MHT

® find out why this is now one of the world's most sought after alternative to traditional hair transplant procedures or hair replacement systems, available in UK, US, Europe and Asia.


a message from HIS Hair Clinic:

Scalp Pigmentation MHT® was developed as both a cosmetic procedure for men suffering with all types of hair loss, and as a medical procedure to help conceal scars, burns and birthmarks, as well as the full spectrum of Alopecia strains.

During a scalp pigmentation MHT® procedure, a blend of specialist pigments are deposited into the dermal layer of the skin on the scalp. Using a highly sophisticated combination of angles, penetration depths, deposit sizes and pigment shades, these deposits create an extremely realistic illusion of real shaven hair on the scalp.

Scalp pigmentation MHT® is a truly viable alternative to traditional hair transplant surgery, hair systems, pills, potions and cover-ups. Around the world, many thousands of clients now live their lives free from hair loss without scarring, lengthy maintenance routines, unwelcome side effects or significant ongoing financial outlay.


Ian Watson, co-Founder and Director of HIS Hair Clinic, suffered from Alopecia due to the stress of losing his brother to cancer. After researching all the hair loss options available, he concluded none were suitable for him.

Following several years of intensive research, and honing the technique alongside some of the world’s most respected hair loss experts and micro pigmentation practitioners in Harley Street, London and Melbourne, Australia, Scalp Pigmentation MHT® was established. Ian quickly realised that scalp pigmentation procedures could dramatically change the lives of hair loss sufferers worldwide and set out to develop HIS Hair Clinic as an International hair clinic with is sister-in-law and business partner Ranbir, the rest they say is HIStory

Ian was subject to the worlds first Scalp Pigmentation MHT® treatment, therefore as an ambassador for the technique, the results are there for all to see. Since then, the technique has been tested and refined in order to be able to prove the treatment is completely effective, since regular tattooing inks applied using traditional techniques have the tendency to change colour and migrate under the dermal layer of the skin over a period of time.

Scalp Pigmentation MHT® is changing the way people from around the world combat their hair loss problems. Whereas in the past the only solutions have been temporary (hair systems, concealers etc), have had their effectiveness called into question, or involve a surgical procedure, some of which result in scarring of the scalp, at last people have a viable alternative.

*HIS Hair Clinic is a paid sponsor of HairSite, the above is an avertisement for HIS Hair clinic. Readers are advised to do their own research and investigation and consult a doctor before proceeding with the procedure as not every person is a good candidate for the treatment.