FUE Hair Transplant Cost
in Houston Texas for minimally invasive FUE hair restoration, affordable hair transplant cost without compromising quality at Dr. Rashid's clinic, Houston Heights 2401 Yale Street, #2a, Houston Texas 77008.
FUE Hair Transplant Cost
Cost is always a big consideration for hair transplant. If you have been researching for FUE hair restoration for a while, you will know that many clinics charge a premium for this type of hair surgery. Most hair clinics justify by saying that FUE is a more labor intensive hair procedure and therefore they will have to charge more for the treatment.
However, what most clinics are not telling you is that there are also a lot of hidden costs and charges that are passed onto the patient and not fully disclosed.
There is also a lack of transparency and consistency when it comes to hair transplant pricing in the industry. Very few clinics openly publish or disclose their pricing chart for hair transplants. In addition, if patients do not pay attention, they can be easily misguided about what they are actually paying for. Is the hair transplant procedure priced based on number of hairs, number of grafts, grafts extracted, grafts placed or a combination thereof?
When it comes to hair transplant pricing, no clinic is more straight forward and upfront than Dr. Rashid's clinic in Houston, Texas. Everything is disclosed upfront for the benefit of the patient.
Clear, honest pricing with 100% transparency.
That's the difference at Dr. Rashid's clinic.
Most FUE clinics charge from $6 a graft to as high as $20 a graft. Click FUE hair transplant pricing for full disclosure and details about the cost for your procedure with Dr. Rashid.