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FUE Hair Transplant India
FUE hair transplant India is available at AK Hair Clinics with surgical and trichology facilities in Delhi, Ludhiana and Bangalore. For the past decade or so, FUE has gradually become a must-have for every hair restoration clinic in India. Nowadays, it is impossible for any clinic to stay competitive or remain in business if FUE is not part of the services they offer to their patients with hair loss.
What is FUE
What does FUE stand for? Follicular unit extraction. It was first introduced by Dr. Ray Woods in Australia over a decade ago. It is a ground breaking protocol to transplant hair without relying on the old fashioned strip technologies. Strip hair transplant harvest donor follicles by removing an entire strip of hair bearing flesh from the back of the patient's skin. It is therefore called strip transplants. Needless to say, the procedure is very traumatic for the patient. Strip patients are prone to side effects and complications. Stitches is a must for every strip procedure. In addition, patient will have a permanent linear scar across the back of their heads after the procedure.
The new FUE technique completely changes the way how donor follicles are harvested. The procedure is micro-surgical, requires delicate skills and expertise. Instead of removing an entire strip of flesh from the patient's scalp, FUE harvests donor by micro-surgically remove one follicular unit at a time in the patient's head. FUE hair transplants are very labor intensive for the doctor and his team. However, it is minimally invasive for the patient when compared to traditional strip method.
FUE hair transplant in India nowadays is commonly referred to as the minimally invasive, stitches free hair transplant.
FUE Hair Transplant India at AK Clinics
What is special about FUE hair transplant at AK Clinics? First off, it is one of the very few FUE clinics in India who have openly published patient results in our community.
Training. According to AK Clinics, they are one of the leaders in the world of hair transplantation. Not only does AK Clinics perform FUE hair tranplants for their patients, they also provide FUE training to educate the next generation of hair transplant doctors in India and abroad.
Low transection rate. Furthermore, AK Clinics's assurance that their remarkably low transection rate of 3% or less is another great advantage AK has over other clinics. Transection rate means the rate where donor follicles are destroyed during the donor harvesting process. Naturally, the lower the transection rate, the better it is for the patient.
Graft handling. Graft handling process is another factor to consider when choosing a hair transplant clinic. According to AK Clinics, their team of medical professionals always strive to ensure that the amount of time a graft stays outside a patient's body is minimal. The reason is because each graft represents a precious organ. It is vital to ensure that the graft is subject to a minimal amount of trauma outside the patient's body. In other words, the less the time a graft spends outside a patient's body, the better it is for graft survial.
Graft count. As with all ethical clinics worlwide, graft count is treated seriously. The medical team at AK Clinics will meticulously count and account for each graft that has been harvested and planted for the patient. This is to ensure that every patient is indeed getting what they pay for. While this may seem like a trivial and fastidious routine for some clinics, an ethical clinic will never sideline or marginalize this important quality control for every procedure.
Interested in hair transplant or have a question about hair loss, hair restoration in general? Fill out the inquiry form on this page or contact us directly for a prompt response from a doctor or clinic. No fee, no cost consultation.