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Top 5 Reasons Not to Do Hair Transplant
Top 5 reasons not to get hair transplant, a must read for everyone considering surgical hair transplantation as a treatment for hair loss or baldness.
Even though it is not a life threatening condition, hair loss nonetheless is a devastating experience for both men and women. It has an immense impact on one's emotional and psychological well being.
The fancy before and after photos we see on the internet, magazines as well as TV advertisements are extremely tempting for both men and women experiencing hair loss. The thick lustrous density and amazing hairlines we see on the TV commercials are constantly tempting us to pull the hair transplant trigger.
But wait ! Is this really that simiple? Just one hair transplant and your misery will be over? Here we present 5 top reasons for NOT getting a hair tranpslant.
#1 - You are in your early 20s.
When you are in your early 20s or younger, this is the time when you are constantly under peer pressure to perform and excel in life. Losing your hair at this age is by far the most devastating. However, it would also be a huge mistake to proceed with a hair transplant at this age. As a matter of fact, most doctors or at least the ethical ones, do not take on patients this young. The reason is that hair loss will continue to progress quite rapidly well past 35 years old for most people. When someone is in his early 20s, they are in the early stages of hair loss. The pattern and extent of baldness still have yet stabilized. It is extremely difficult to plan a hair transplant that can accommodate your needs in the future when your hair loss continue to progress.
#2 You Think One Surgery is All You Need
You are seriously mistakened if you think one surgery is all that you need. Hair loss is a progressive condition. For the vast majority of the people, once they have started the hair transplant journey, they will usually require at least 2 or more procedures over their lifetime.
# 3 - You think Hair Transplants Nowadays are Totally Scar Free
These days you will inevitably see that virtually every clinic out there advertises that they offer minimally invasive procedure with no linear scars. The truth is that no linear scar is not the same as scar free. It is true that the new FUE hair transplant technique does not create a large linear scar in the back of the patient's head. However, the technique still leaves traces of scars in the form of tiny white dots in the patient's donor site. So to claim that the procedure is scar free is a lie. Under FUE, the scars may not be as visible, but they are there nonetheless.
#4 - Go for the Least Expensive Clinic
It would also be a mistake if your plan is to simply go to the most affordable clinic you can find. Generally speaking, there is no correlation between price and quality when it comes to hair transplant. However, you should not be gravitating toward the least expensive clinic in your research. Instead, you need to ask which clinic is the most experienced for your needs. Hair transplant is a broad category within which there are many niche specialities. There is no one doctor or clinic that is the best in every discipline within hair transplantation. The procedure is largely irreversible. Do not try to save yourself a few bucks and end up paying more for repair surgeries down the road.
#5 - You Think You Can Get Your Teenager Density Back
You will be hugely disappointed if you think hair transplant can get you your teenager density back. Hair transplant is nothing but relocating hairs from one part of the scalp to another part. Do not proceed with a hair transplant if your goal is to have the same thick head of hair just like you did when you were in your teens. It is simply not possible.
Professional Advice
If after reading all this and you still insist on getting a hair transplant, then you should seek professional advice. Schedule a thorough consultation with Dr. Ray Woods, the famous and highly acclaimed inventor of FUE (follicular unit extraction) and BHT (body hair transplant) techniques. Dr. Ray Woods is a top ranked award winning sponsoring physician on HairSite with over 15 years of uninterrupted successful patient records in our community.
Schedule a FREE, no cost, no obligation consultation with Dr. Ray Woods' clinic and find out if you are a good candidate for hair transplant, treatment details and approximate cost etc. Email admin@thewoodstechnique.com or visit www.woodstechnique.com.au for details.
See below for some of Dr. Ray Woods' outstanding patient results
Published in collaboration with Dr. Ray Woods - inventor and pioneer of FUE & BHT hair transplant