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Dr. Jones Hair Transplant Reviews Toronto

Dr. Robert Jones Hair Transplant Toronto 

Dr. Robert Jones Toronto Hair Transplant Specialties

  • FUE

    Follicular Unit Extraction


    Strip hair transplant

  • BHT

    Body hair to scalp transplant


    Hair transplant repair

  • SMP

    Scalp Micropigmentation


    Beard & Facial Hair Restoration


    FUE without shaving donor site


    Eyebrow & Eyelash Restoration

About Dr. Robert Jones - Toronton Hair Transplant

Dr. Jones is one of the very few in the world who offers the broadest range of hair restoration treatments to both men and women, including:

⇒ FUE minimally invasive hair tranpslant
⇒ Body hair transplant
⇒ Beard hair transplant
⇒ Follicular unit hair transplant
⇒ Hair transplant strip scars repair
⇒ Mega session
⇒ Dense packing
⇒ Eyebrow transplant
⇒ Eyelash transplant
⇒ Women hair transplant
⇒ Scalp micro pigmentation

In addition, Dr. Jones' pursuit in advanced technologies and innovation also inspired him to be among the first in the world to experiment with cell based hair therapy involving use of Platelet Rich Plasma and ACell cell regeneration compound for the treatment of hair loss.  See Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) tab on this page for details. 

PRP Platelet Rich Plasma Hair Therapy

prp platelet rich plasma hair regrowth
Dr Jones receiving PRP therapy at his own clinic

PLATELET RICH PLASMA therapy for hair loss and thinning hair. Experimental and still largely unproven hair treatment using Platelet Rich Plasma PRP, first publicized by Dr. Greco and now this treatment is being offered by a few clinics in the U.S, Canada and overseas that strive to push the limits in advancing hair restoration research.

New protocol currently being experimented for the treatment of hair loss and thinning hair for both men and women using a patient's own blood as growth factors. According to the doctors who offer this treatment, this therapy is considered non surgical and non invasive.

The concept was first publicized by Dr. Greco in Florida. Dr. Greco received a grant from the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery ISHRS.

Dr. Greco's research paper  was published in the Hair Transplant Forum International, the title is:  The Effects of Autologus Platelet Rich Plasma and Various Growth Factors on Non-transplanted Miniaturized Hair.

The research paper reports that "the results from this small study indicate that traumatizing and infusing PRP into the scalp did reverse miniaturization over an 8-month period when compared to control. Additionally, infusion of PRP into a patient with alopecia areata did result in new hair growth 1 month after treatment and lasted over 8 months".

Dr. Jones from Toronto Canada met with Dr. Greco in Florida to discuss the potential of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as a hair loss treatment and decided to offer his own trials on a very limited basis subsequent to the meeting. According to Dr. Jones, the process is fairly straight forward and non-invasive.

Please note that the use of Platelet Rich Plasma for hair loss is a new concept. While Dr. Greco seems to have some success in this area, his trial was done on a very small group of test subjects so it is premature to draw any conclusions.  There is no guarantee what kind of results (or side effects) one may expect from the treatment as it is still considered as an experimental and unproven therapy.

According to Dr. Jones, "after spending some time with Dr. Greco last week, I was impressed enough with the results I saw to order the equipment to offer PRP to 15 patients on a trial basis. I will be among the first patients treated at my clinic and will be following each patient with photos on my site and forwarding them to HairSite. The treatment seems to work best in patients with diffuse thinning rather than complete hair loss. It can be used in conjunction with Propecia and Minoxidil. Since we are using the patients own plasma, it is unlikely there will be any risk to the patient."

Below is one of Dr. Jones' patients who have received PRP treatment, photos show before and 2 months post treatment.

prp platelet rich plasma hair growth
PRP Platelet Rich Plasma Hair Treatment


To learn more about PRP Platelet Rich Plasma hair therapy and whether you are a good candidate for this treatment, fill out the form below for a prompt response.

Hair Transplant Scar Repair Using Botox

The use of Botulism Toxin (Botox) in the treatment of  wide donor scars from hair transplants, contents provided by courtesy of Dr. Robert Jones.

Wide donor scars from previous transplants are a problem all hair restoration surgeons have to deal with. Often, attempts at scar reduction fail, as the scar stretches back to the original wide state over the course of six months.

After reading an article on the use of Botulism toxin to improve facial wound healing, Dr Jones decided to try using Botulism toxin to reduce the tension across a tight closure after a scar reduction procedure.

The patient chosen had a previous unsuccessful scar reduction about 18 months prior to this procedure. The scar was 1.3 cm prior to the reduction and stretched back to 1.3 cm within 6 months. The first photos are of the scar prior to the second revision. Dr Jones repeated the scar reduction, this time injecting 60 U of botulism toxin into the left side of the incision and the same volume of .9 % normal saline into the right side of the incision at the time the stitches were removed. (Dr Jones is familiar with the use of Botox for other indications.)

After six months, the scar was measured at 1 cm intervals and the average value was taken for each side of the scar. The average scar width for the side treated with botulism toxin was .3 mm, while the side treated with normal saline had an average width of 1.1 cm. Although the patient was unaware which side was treated with Botox, he came into the office at 6 months well aware of which side was treated as the scar was much less visible on the left hand side.

In the patient, it appears that the botulism toxin has allowed the incision to heal with less tension and avoid stretch back that we commonly see. Further study is needed to explore the use of botulism toxin in the treatment and prevention of wide scars in reductions as well as all tight closures after hair restoration surgery.

hair transplant scar
hair transplant donor scar from another clinic


hair transplant scar repair
Left side treated with botox


hair transplant donor scar repair
Right side not treated with Botox - 6 months

There is no one treatment that works for all types of scar repair. To find out more about the different options for hair transplant scar repair, fill out the inquiry form on this page and we will assist you further.

Hair Transplant Physician Training Canada

If you are a physician and thinking of offering hair transplant procedures to your patients, fill out the form below for more details about hair transplant physician training programs in Canada and other countries. 

Latest Hair Transplant Results from Dr. Robert Jones

⇒ Dr. Robert Jones has no new hair transplant patient results published in our forum community in recent years.  Click link below to see archived hair transplant patient results from years ago. 

Archived results, click Dr. Jones hair transplant results archives.

Dr. Jones Hair Transplant Before & After Photos

Dr. Robert Jones Hair Transplant Result Statistics - through Dec 31, 2016

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** archived results total of 29 cases not captured in the above table

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