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Ziering Medical Hair Transplant Reviews

ziering medical hair transplant reviews

Ziering Medical Hair Transplant Services

= offered    × = not offered

  • FUE

    Follicular unit extraction


    FUHT Strip hair transplant


    Women hair transplant


    Transgender hair restoration


    Robotic FUE hair transplant

  • PRP

    Platelet rich plasma hair therapy

  • ACell

    Tissue matrix growth factors


    Eyebrow restoration


    Moustache, goatee, beard restoration


    No shave FUE

  • BHT

    Body hair to scalp


    Beard hair to scalp

  • SMP

    Scalp Micropigmentation


    Eyelash transplant


    Stem cell building blocks therapy


    Hair follicle stem cells banking

About Ziering Medical

Ziering Medical is a highly respected hair transplant clinic with locations in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, San Francisco,Chicago, Las Vegas and more.

If you are considering hair restoration procedures, check out Ziering Medical and see if they can offer you a hair loss treatment that is in line with your goals and expectations. Ziering Medical was founded by Dr. Craig Ziering, a well respected hair transplant surgeon in the world. Dr. Ziering and his expert team of medical professionals are constantly at the forefront of the latest advances in hair restoration techniques. From cell based hair multiplication research to the newest robotic FUE hair restoration treatments, Ziering Medical is dedicated to finding you the ultimate solution for your hair loss problem.

Ziering Medical Mission Statement

Ziering Medical is a private practice dedicated exclusively to the specialty of hair restoration. Founder and Medical Director, Dr. Craig L. Ziering, is an industry pioneer, leader, teacher and author of many published articles who remains in constant pursuit of seeking and developing new technology, surgical techniques and hair treatment solutions that benefit those whom he cares about the most: his patients. Hair Restoration is his passion, and he is dedicated to staying active in the industry through ongoing education in the U.S. and abroad, bringing every relevant and new idea back to Ziering Medical so that all of our patients may benefit from the latest advancements in the field.

All medical staff is selected by Dr. Ziering for their commitment to excellence in hair restoration and to providing unparalleled compassionate care to hair loss patients throughout the entire process from all pre-surgical and surgery appointments to providing exacting attention to post-operative follow-up care and support. Your personal surgical team is determined by your particular hair type, with team members being chosen by Dr. Ziering for their skill and experience with your hair type.

At Ziering Medical, your well-being comes first. That’s why all treatment options are presented to you, including non-surgical therapies and no surgery if the case warrants. Known for his exceptional artistic eye and ability for designing hair restorations that compliment each patient’s unique facial anatomy, Dr. Ziering’s purpose is to educate you thoroughly, help you establish realistic goals and expectations as well as creating a youthful, natural-looking surgical hair transplantation result for life.

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Dr. Carl Ziering Hair Transplant

Dr. Craig L. Ziering, celebrity hair transplant surgeon and leading authority in hair transplant surgery, together with his team at Ziering Medical are among the very best in the field of hair restoration. Working with entertainment and sports celebrities, executives and individuals across the country, Dr. Ziering considers himself privileged to be a part of changing people’s lives, personally and professionally.

After completing a Fellowship in Hair Restoration with Medical Hair Restoration in Orlando, Dr. Ziering became the Associate Medical Director at MHR for a period of ten years before founding his private practice, Ziering Medical. Dr. Ziering is certified by both the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and the American Osteopathic Board of Dermatology. A Past President of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, Dr. Ziering serves on advisory boards for various companies including Merck, Lexington International, Pfizer and on the scientific advisory board of Histogen (Regenerative Medicine) and is on the Surgical Faculty for the Procedural Dermatology Fellowship at the University of California at Irvine, the Dermatology Faculty, Western University/Pacific Hospital, Long Beach, California and Michigan State University, Dermatology Faculty. Additionally, Dr. Ziering is the Medical Director for Advanced Hair Growth and Apira Science as well as being the Primary Investigator for the clinical trials involving hair cloning and multiplication. In 2003, Dr. Ziering was recognized by his peers at the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgeons for his Whorl Hair Classification System being awarded the prestigious, “Most Original New Idea” at that year’s scientific assembly.

As a recognized expert in the art and science of hair transplant surgery, Dr Ziering is a frequent guest on television and radio programs, including the Today Show and was invited to perform the very first hair transplant procedure on ABC’s hit show, Extreme Makeover.

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ARTAS Robotic FUE Hair Transplant

ARTAS FUE Hair Transplant System: new computer assisted device cleared by the FDA for more precise and consistent donor follicle harvesting in FUE follicular unit extraction hair transplantation.

The ARTAS System is an interactive, computer-assisted, FDA-cleared, and physician-controlled robotic system for use with the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) harvesting technique for surgical hair restoration. The ARTAS System provides our patients with the following advantages: ARTAS System:

  • Minimally invasive compared to traditional strip hair transplant procedure
  • No linear incision
  • Precise, consistent FUE donor follicle harvesting
  • Fast healing time
  • Allow patients to cut their hair short

Other fields of medicine successfully use robotics for safe and effective surgical procedures such as heart valve and bypass surgeries, prostate surgery, and kidney transplantation. Now the technology is available for FUE hair restoration procedures at Ziering Medical.

In recent years, FUE has gained greater popularity with patients looking for an even more minimally invasive approach to surgical hair restoration than the standard strip-excision harvest method. While it has always been considered less invasive than strip-excision procedures, manual FUE is a much more labor intensive procedure for surgeons. Until now, the challenge has been that the surgeon spent a disproportionate amount of time extracting grafts from the donor area which left little time for the all-important overall artistic hair transplant design and creation of recipient sites to achieve the natural looking result that patients desire. The image-guided robotic arm, which is programmed with complex algorithms and sensors, enables the ARTAS System to bring great precision and speed in harvesting grafts at the ideal angle and direction, with the optimal distance between each extracted graft and at the proper depth of incision.

For ARTAS System robotic FUE procedures, patients must trim their donor area down to 1mm in length in order to allow the imaging technology and follicular unit identification software to evaluate, identify and select each follicular unit. Next, the patient is seated in an ergonomically designed surgery chair and the skin tensioner is placed on the patient’s scalp. The skin tensioner provides the mechanism by which the system tracks all of the follicular units, follows patient movement, and allows precise control of incision depth. This exact, mathematical selection of hair grafts enhances the quality of the follicular units harvested. Once this is in place, the image-guided robotic arm begins harvesting the hair follicles in random patterns under the direction of your surgeon and according to the harvest spacing your surgeon has set. Then, recipient sites are created artistically by the surgeon and your grafts meticulously placed with the appropriate angle and direction.

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Awards & Recognition - Ziering Medical

As one of the pioneers in male and female hair transplantation methods, Dr. Ziering is continually recognized by associations and organizations dedicated to the art and science of innovative hair replacement.

In addition to the awards that appear as links to your left, Dr. Ziering is often asked to speak and demonstrate at various conventions and conferences worldwide. His continued dedication to the field has earned him the respect and accolades of his peers.

Academic Positions, Awards, and Honors:

Director Hair Restoration Fellowship,
Ziering Medical at Beverly Hills and Newport Beach

Surgical Hair Restoration Faculty;
Procedural Dermatology Fellowship
University of California at Irvine
2008 – Present

Clinical Faculty Dermatology Residency
University of California at Irvine,
2004 – Present

Clinical Faculty Dermatology Residency
Western University at Long Beach & Pomona,
2005 – Present

Clinical Faculty Dermatology Residency
Michigan State University,
2008 – Present

Clinical Instructor, Basics Course
International Society of Hair Surgery “Hairline Design,”
2007 & 2008

Faculty; Lecturer;
International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery Annual Meetings,
1993 – Present

Clinical Coordinator, Faculty,
Lectures and Live Surgery Live Surgery Workshop, Orlando, Florida
1995 – Present

Faculty; Lecturer;
American Osteopathic College of Dermatology,
1991 – Present

Ziering Whorl: “Most Original New Idea” award
ISHRS Scientific Assembly,

Chairman of Nominating Committee American Osteopathic College of Dermatology,

Fellow of Distinction:  American Osteopathic College of Dermatology,

President American Osteopathic College of Dermatology,
1998 – 1999

Member of Executive Committee American Osteopathic College of Dermatology,
1991 – 2000

American Osteopathic College of Dermatology
In Training Exam, Scored at the 100th Percentile,
1991 – 1992

Burroughs Wellcome,
Resident Leadership Award,

Ohio University, Grandview Hospital,
Chief Dermatology Resident,
1991 – 1993

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Histogen (HSC) Hair Stimulating Complex

Ziering Medical & the Development and Testing of Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC)

With Dr. Ziering serving as principal investigator of the study, Histogen’s Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC) is currently under evaluation and development as a progressive new injectable that promotes hair regrowth. HSC is the first bioactive compilation of WNT proteins and their cofactors that have been naturally stabilized and cited for hair follicle growth and development.

HSC represents a potentially momentous new treatment option for Ziering Medical’s patients and for millions suffering from hair loss.

After clinical trials in Singapore in 2011 and plans for pan-Asian approval in 2014, Dr. Ziering looks forward to American approval of the product in 2015.

Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC)

Histogen’s Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC) is a proprietary liquid formula created by the culturing of newborn cells in a simulated embryonic environment of suspension and very low oxygen, and then harvesting the naturally secreted growth factors, proteins and other synergistic bioproducts that are produced. It is the first naturally stabilized and bioactive formulation of Wnt proteins and their cofactors, which have been implicated in hair follicle development and growth.

Histogen’s HSC is currently being developed and evaluated as an injectable for hair growth. The combination proteins and growth factors, including Wnts and follistatin, making up the formulation have been shown to both stimulate resting hair follicles and induce new follicle formation.

HSC Clinical Development

The pilot 24 subject clinical trial of HSC was a double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of safety in the clinical application of the product as an injectable for hair growth. Quantitative analysis of clinical macrophotography and subject biopsies were utilized to evaluate treatment safety and efficacy. No adverse events were seen at any timepoint, including the one year follow-up. HSC also achieved statistical significance in its efficacy endpoints, including hair count, hair thickness, and hair density at the 12 week endpoint and patients continued to see statistically significant additional growth at 12 months, even though they received only one treatment at baseline.

The next clinical trial of HSC is currently in planning stages, and is scheduled to begin in Singapore in early 2011, with plans for pan-Asian approval in 2014. Estimated U.S. market introduction of the injectable for hair regrowth in the treatment of male pattern baldness is 2015, with potential for earlier introduction in certain identified countries.

How does Histogen’s HSC work?

Human WNT proteins are shown to encourage activity from the existing hair follicles along with initializing epidermal stem cells to form NEW hair follicles. Histogen’s scientific process imitates an embryonic environment that includes low gravity and low oxygen. The newly generated cells produce stem cell markers that organically produce growth qualities and important proteins that are key factors in accelerated, developing tissue. Histogen extracts two products from this process: a soluble protein complex and an insoluble human extracellular matrix (hECM). Both of these products can be used by the life science industry in a variety of applications.

Within Histogen’s proprietary bioreactors are easily grown newborn fibroblasts that are threaded onto a beadlike strand, and then conditioned with liquid media. Within a few days, cells have secreted WNT proteins and other various growth factors while producing the thick, embryonic-like ExceltrixTM into the test liquid.

Histogen’s Proprietary Technology Process

Through Histogen’s proprietary technology process that mimics the embryonic environment, including very low oxygen and low gravity conditions, newborn cells develop stem cell markers and become embryonic-like and naturally produce vital proteins and growth factors which are characteristic of young, rapidly developing tissue.

From this process, Histogen extracts two products – an insoluble human extracellular matrix (hECM) and a soluble complex of proteins – with a variety of applications in various markets and segments of the life science industry.

Histogen’s one technology, two products, numerous applications model offers a continuum of product introduction opportunities, from lead applications such as hair regrowth and skincare to longer timeline therapeutic applications including oncology and wound care.

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updated through Dec 31, 2019

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