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Hair Transplant Guide Toronto, Canada
Clinic address on record: 435 Reynolds Street Suite 206, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, L6J 3M5.
Toronto is a city located in the province of Ontario, Canada. With a population of over 2.5 million, Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the 4th largest in North America in terms of population size. The entire metro Toronto region has a population of over 5 million.
Toronto is a major hub for culture, media, finance, commerce and tourism. It is widely known for its multi cultural diversity.
Dr. Robert Jones Hair Clinic is presently the Top Ranked hair transplant surgeon for the territory of Toronto, Ontario according to our patient statistics database based on number of successful patient results published in our community forum. Dr. Jones has an astounding 71 results with over 10 years of uninterrupted patient records in our database.
Dr. Robert Jones has been treating patients from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America and all over North America for over 10 years. A large percentage of Dr. Jones' patients travel from outside of Canada to visit him.
Since August 2002, Dr. Jones has been performing hair transplants using a technique called follicular unit extraction (FUE). In fact, he is among the first doctors in North America to perform this type of hair transplant. This new technique allows the transplantation of individual hair follicles and is performed without a scalpel, without strip incisions and without stitches.
Using FUE technique, Dr. Jones is also able to perform Body Hair Transplants (BHT) using donor follicles from body areas such as the chest, arms and legs. This technique can work very well for those with limited scalp donor supply or hair transplant repair patients.
Besides FUE and BHT, Dr. Jones also offers state-of-the-art strip method hair transplants using the new Trichopyhtic closure technique. All dissections for strip procedures are done under the microscope into grafts of one to three hairs.
Some major accomplishments in recent years:
⇒ First in the world to officially document use of Acell wound regeneration product Extracellular Matrix for scar repair in hair transplant patients.
⇒ First in the world to widely publicize the use of minimally invasive FUE hair transplant technique for the treatment of eyebrow eyelash loss.
⇒ First in the world to officially document use of Botox for scar treatment in hair transplant patients.
⇒ First in the world to offer FUE training and live demonstration to other physicians.
⇒ Recipient of the Gemini Award as the Medical Contributor for "Skin Deep" which won "Best Lifestyle Series" at the 16th Annual Gemini Awards.
Please note that hair transplant is a surgery so every result is different. There is no one doctor that works for all types of hair loss. Readers are advised to do thorough research and discuss with as many doctors and patients as possible before making a decision. Not every person is a good candidate for hair transplant. Also, it is not the mandate of this site to track failed or unsuccessful results.
For more information about hair restoration and treatment options in the Toronto, Ontario area, fill out the inquiry form on this page for a prompt response.